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GT / Tourisme Entry

GT / Tourisme Entry


Format : 1 free practice session + 1 qualifying practice session of 30 minutes + 2 races of maximum 61 minutes.

Tent included with the booking.

  • Each competitor participating in our event must be in possession of the following documents:

    • National or International Competitor/Driver License : All drivers must hold a valid national license, issued by the national motorsport authority (ASN) of their country of origin. This license is mandatory to participate in the race and must be presented during registration.
    • Letter of Authorization from the Local ASN SI National License : In addition to the national license, foreign competitors must provide a letter of authorization from their local ASN confirming their ability to participate in international events or the specific event being organized by our association.

    It is imperative that these documents are in order and presented during registration for participation in the race to be authorized. We recommend that competitors check the specific requirements of their local ASN prior to the event.

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